Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Next Week

The next week or so is going to be very busy... In school, I am finishing up my second set of classes! So, from now until October 14th I have 2 finals to do! For University Composition and Communications I, I have to write a 1050 word compare and contrast essay about "Traditional Education vs. Online Education". Currently I have a 95% in that class so things have went decent so far. In Principles of Health and Wellness, I have to create a 8-10 slide powerpoint presentation on a specific chronic illness. I have chosen mine to be about, ENDOMETRIOSIS!!! :) Current I have a 97.86%! The next few weeks are going to be exciting to say the least.... Shane has to turn himself in October 4th to do his 30 days county time. :/ I'm not to excited about this one, but I would rather him get it over with so that he can be home for the holidays this year. SO, the next week and 4 days will be consumed of me spending as much time as possible with my baby! Other than that, things are alright! I mean we are definitely making the best out of our situation. But honestly, did you expect anything different than that? Heaven's Angelversary is coming up.... a week from today Until Next Time...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 11th

September 11th isn't just any other day for me or my family. Nor will it EVER be! On 9/11/1963 my grandmother delivered a baby, who would one day become my father. Yesterday he turned 49 years young! Happy Birthday, Dad! On 9/11/2001 a tragedy impacted not just select families within the U.S. but every person who felt compassion for our country and it's loses. Never Forget! On 9/11/2009 my brother and his friend were training for a triathlon when they we struck from behind and left on the side of the road. After a half hour they were found and life-flighted. Thankful they are still here with us! On 9/11/2011 again something life changing happened... I met and fell in love with my soul mate. Our relationship has experienced laughter, tears, and compassion on another level. I am so thankful to have been blessed with a man who can not only share my life, but who can teach me as well as learn right along beside me. Happy Anniversary, Shane Michael! September 11th has brought both joy and sadness to my life, but one thing is for certain, everyone of these dates listed above has been life-changing experiences. Thank you, Lord, for bringing me through the storms to realize just how blessed I am. Until Next Time...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Craziest Week of My Life

Well the person that Shane and I were staying with decided to kick us out. We only had 3 days to do it, with no money and no place to things were quite difficult. So, now we are living in a tent... AWESOME! Shane goes to jail October 4th! I am not looking forward to this one... 30 days is to long :/ but I will be glad for it to be done and over with. School is going decent, tomorrow starts my 5th week of classes! Both classes grades are in the 90% range and I'm super excited with how well I am doing... Emotionally I have been overwhelmed. Thankfully I get to see my therapist in a week! I need this appointment. Until Next Time...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Here We Go, Here We Go Again!!!

Most of the time, people aren't who they say they are... and you find out in some fd up way that you would never expect. Having someones back for an extended amount of time as doesn't change the fact of whether or not they will do the same for you... Honestly, that just exploits that you are vulnerable. Shane and I are once again, moving. Here we go again! Only move number 14 in our first year. School is going good... after 2 weeks I have a 96% in Health and Wellness and a 100% in writing composition... Staying after our dream of helping families who go through similar issues as ourselves is my drive. Shane has to turn himself in October 4th. So we only have just over a month together before he is gone for 30 days. Its hard to think about but in the end, I'll have my baby back and that's all that matters to me. Heaven, Alijah, and Aaliyah... You're on mommy;s mind... Until Next Time...